

International Day of Women 和 Girls in 科学 Assembly at the UN

International Day of Women 和 Girls in 科学 Assembly at the UN

参加 8th International Day of Women 和 Girls in 科学 at the UN “was a really significant day for girls 和 women,” Tesvara江, 23岁, “because everyone on the panel discussed the important reasons regarding why we need women in the labs or key government positions in order to fight climate change.”

“Females need a day to represent themselves 和 a day to focus on female scientists,” added 玛丽·林24岁. “It’s important to hear perspectives from women in science because they might see the world differently through a different lens.”


High School students in New York 和 New Jersey were invited to the assembly at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan on February 10. The day recognizes the critical role women 和 girls play in science 和 promotes gender equity in STEM. 发言者包括全球政要, 大使, 科学家和研究人员, 企业领导人, 和非政府组织主席.

Chair of Poly’s Computer 和 Information 科学 Department 琼Belford P’24 说,  “The trip to the United Nations for the 8th International Day of Women 和 Girls in 科学 Assembly was an incredible opportunity for students at Poly, 主要是女孩, to participate in robust conversations around global sustainability 和 the related science, 政策发展, 和 diplomacy required to achieve shared goals.”

保利参与, which was a collaboration between inFinite STEM, the Computer 和 Information 科学 Department, 和科学系, 是由科学老师领导的吗 珍娜·皮特 ,包括 Tesvara江, 23岁, 布里安娜·关,23岁, 佩内洛普·埃尔格特,23岁, 玛丽·库尔明,23岁, 莉莉·贝尔福德,24岁, 阿尔芭·尼科莱,24岁, 杰西·多西克,24岁, 玛丽·林24岁, 凯尔·威廉姆斯23岁, 阿莉达·利萨克23岁, 梅芙·伊戈23岁.

Poly students attend International Day of Women 和 Girls in 科学 Assembly at the UN

The students had the opportunity to attend a 演讲者的全部日程安排.


“The UN International Girls’ Day is a significant day for girls 和 women because it provides women with a platform to advocate for equality, specifically on the issue of environmentalism,” 莉莉·贝尔福德,24岁.

“… it makes me proud that women are taking the forefront in battling the biggest threat of the century: climate change.”

Tesvara江, 23岁
Tesvara江, 23岁

“One speaker that made a lasting impression on me,” Tesvara江, “was Dinesh Joshi, who was a chairman of the IMC Chamber of Commerce 和 Industry in India. He told us a lot of cool information about electrical vehicle development in India. 根据他的信仰, 虽然可能有偏见, India will lead the world in sustainable transportation within 15 years as a result of the contributions of women in science. It was interesting to find out from the speakers that they all notice a trend of women studying environmental/ sustainable engineering 和 it makes me proud that women are taking the forefront in battling the biggest threat of the century: climate change. I am also interested in studying this in college 和 it makes me feel comfortable to know that I will be working with many women.”


 “One woman had a really great presentation on sustainable cities around the world,” 凯尔·威廉姆斯, “和 laid down a strong framework for cities to become carbon neutral.威廉姆斯补充道, “说实话, I feel like sustainability was the main focus of the panels 和 discussion of gender politics was secondary.”


“The Polish delegate, Maja Kiba-Janiak, definitely made an impact on my perspective,” 玛丽林. “She clearly states that the underlying problem for sustainable development is that people have different expectations based on their residential locations, these government 和 private sectors have to make compromises.”


“我真的很惊讶,特斯拉·江说, “to hear that the CEO of the Formula 1 Group,斯特凡诺多梅尼卡利, 他出席了联合国会议. I am a big fan of Formula 1 和 by attending this conference, its CEO proved that he is thoughtful about making sure women are welcome 和 respected.”

“Poly underst和s that representation matters,”琼·贝尔福德说, “和 we have been intentional in our efforts to offer historically underrepresented groups experiential learning opportunities in STEM. 去年, 聚推出无限干, a cohort of female-identifying students in Grades 6 – 12, who are interested in STEM; 和 this group has had the benefit of attending academic lectures with women scientists, trips to laboratories 和 engineering space, 和, 最近, 这次联合国之行.”

Lilly Belford was pleasantly surprised “by how young some of the women speakers looked, which made me optimistic about the possibility of women representatives in the future.” 

“I hope that our students realize that whatever work they put into developing their own expertise is always valuable 和 insightful,皮特说。, “even if they decide to change careers or focuses later in life.”

Dr. 拉梅什·朗加尼补充道, “在聚, 科学研究班的学生, 还有其他科学课, regularly engage with female STEM professionals, through virtual ‘scientist sessions’ 和 guest lectures. It is important that Poly students see the diverse array of female STEM role models that exist in the world so that they can envision their own future in STEM.”
